POPEYE Issue 811
What is POPEYE magazine?

POPEYE magazine is the “Magazine for City Boys”. The founders printed this on the cover of the magazine when it debuted in 1976. What’s a “city boy”? The term doesn’t appear in the dictionary and no expert panel could define it. So we felt we should explore every aspect of what this “city boy” might be. After decades of debate, it still makes for a topic of lively discussion. It can be a style or a way of thinking. To get an idea of what makes a city boy, read POPEYE magazine.
POPEYE magazine Founded: 1976 Type: Monthly (on sale from the 10th of every month) Readership: ages 25 to 35 – and anyone who thinks of himself as a city boy Topics: fashion, food, outdoor activities, travel and life in our favorite cities New York, Paris, London and Tokyo
Issue 811
Before we start, let me remind you that there’s no word like “unfashion.”
This is created by the forever remembered visual book, (un)FASHION (2000). In the book, there are many interesting visuals of French chimney sweeper, Fijian military police, Sumo wrestler in an ornamental apron, Ecuadorian elderly in poncho. You’ll find many styles from all over the world closely connected to the way they live. No captions attached as if this book questions us what fashion really means. (un) is certainly not to deny fashion all together. Workwear, Uniform, Militarywear, Sportswear, Outdoor gear, Ethnic costume. These are what we call “unfashion” around us. Designers are definitely not the trend followers but the pursuers who explore deeper on what they believe in. Think about the style you love, you’ll eventually get to the “unfashion” and see what we mean in this edition of Popeye.
This is created by the forever remembered visual book, (un)FASHION (2000). In the book, there are many interesting visuals of French chimney sweeper, Fijian military police, Sumo wrestler in an ornamental apron, Ecuadorian elderly in poncho. You’ll find many styles from all over the world closely connected to the way they live. No captions attached as if this book questions us what fashion really means. (un) is certainly not to deny fashion all together. Workwear, Uniform, Militarywear, Sportswear, Outdoor gear, Ethnic costume. These are what we call “unfashion” around us. Designers are definitely not the trend followers but the pursuers who explore deeper on what they believe in. Think about the style you love, you’ll eventually get to the “unfashion” and see what we mean in this edition of Popeye.
What’s inside…
- What is (un)FASHION?
- “unFASHION” from all over the world.
- Inside Designers’ Heads
- Interviews; What is “unfashion” exactly?.
- What is Normcore?
+ many many regular features.